5m Likes, 222k Comments Cristiano Ronaldo (@cristiano) on Instagram "Excellence on the field starts in the kitchen and the gym, fueled by #HerbalifeNutrition"Note Specifications are listed as standard and may vary slightly Additional Aircraft accessibility information is available online for customers with disabilities Definitions Seat Pitch The measure of legroom that refers to the space between a point on one seat and the same point on the seat in front of it Seat Width The distance between the inner sides of the armrests on a seat# CR7 # 飛行機・ヘリ # サンタマリア・デ・ベレン教会 # ジェロニモス修道院 # ビゴ # リスボン # ベレンの塔 # キャンベラ号 # ハイキング・登山 # クリスマスツリー # コロナ # 豪華客船 # クィーンビクトリア # 夏旅19 # HotelOrcaPraia # 空港 ボンバルディアcrj 700 Cr7 飛行機 機種 cr7